Driven to Excellence

Secure Transportation is an experienced passenger transportation company devoted to providing the absolute highest level of service and professionalism for its clients. We offer a full range of services including transportation planning, assistance and reservations throughout California and across the U.S.


We understand how important it is to make sure your member is being transported by caring, compassionate experts. If a member cannot safely and securely get to their appointment, it not only impacts their health, but also the Health Plan. Secure Transportation is the answer.



We ensure that students are safe, comfortable, confident, cared for and respected. We are parents, too. We understand that placing children in the care of others requires deep trust. We know that as educators, you share this view. It’s our job to alleviate your concerns so you can focus on education, not transportation.


Our ride scheduling app is here.

Download the ridescheduling app now


Customer Care Stories

  • A Veteran’s Thanks

    Secure Transportation takes great pride in the daily services we provide to America’s veterans. Since we became transportation partners with the VA in 1992, helping veterans get to their medical appointments has become a sizable portion of the 5,000 non-emergency medical trips we provide every day. So when veterans take time from their busy day …
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  • Three Doctors, Two Wheelchairs, and a Happy Wife

    Providing exceptional, reliable non-emergency medical transportation services is something we do every day. Even so, when someone takes the time to show their appreciation, it makes us feel great about the work we do. So when one of our members expressed his gratitude for helping him bring his wife along for a series of doctors’ …
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  • Emergency In Transit

    As providers of a non-emergency medical transportation services, it’s uncommon for us to have actual medical emergencies during our trips. Still, that sometimes happen, and we train our drivers to be prepared if it does. Recently, one of our drivers found himself in that unfortunate position when a patient suffered a massive heart attack while …
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  • A Happy Customer Makes Us Proud

    We recently received a lengthy email from a client near La Mesa, filled with praise for Secure and our partner, ELEET. And wow! We know we're doing something right when we receive praise like this. Rather than post the entire email, I'll post excerpts from her email over the next two posts. I think you'll …
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  • Taking Care of Mom

    I've received many kudos over my many years with Secure Transportation. After all, doing the right thing is one of our core values, and people respond to that. But one of the most positive, passionate, pleasurable calls I've taken in my professional career came from a son calling about the care we provided his mother. …
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